post 6
I'm glad to have a moment to myself to tend to this practice. I'm finding more fluidity in my routine and less obsession with rigidity. I definitely need more balance to establish my own priorities, or else outside forces will decide for me.
Aquarius season felt very free, but Pisces season seems to bring me right back to my original struggles. The first few days I felt an overwhelming, porous vulnerability that felt almost intolerable...but by getting back in touch with the toolkit I've been building-incantations, yoga, EFT to name a few-I'm feeling calm and strong today.
I have a big week ahead with an apartment move smack dab in the middle! Just in time for me to have a beautiful new space for my birthday. I'm working on maintaining goals to look forward to, but I'm trying to remember not to get caught up in looking ahead. What is always most vital is the now.